el chisme newsletter september 2022 - bad bunny wins the vmas artist of the year, our ambassador program is out, Parsons and Poderistas feature Carolina

Newsletter September 2022

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In this edition of the newsletter, we will discuss entrepreneurship, the Bad Bunny kiss and why it’s important, good news from a Venezolana working for NASA, and a paid opportunity for you to work with Tragos! 

Happy September! Fall weather is pretty much here and honestly, we ready. It’s been hot AF these past few weeks (unless you’re in the southern hemisphere like our teammate, Johanna in Perú) 🥶

So what’s new? PSL season 🎃 is back baby and the white girl in us is LIVING! We’re also about to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month on September 15 and we’ve got a lot planned for our community. And like everyone else on social media, then it's Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's! Ya, we're done. Jk, let's take it a step back...

the beso (kiss) that shook the vmas title header
 To kick off the newsletter, let’s get the biggest chisme out of the way: Bad Bunny kissed a woman and a man in last week’s VMAs AND won Artist of the year, making history as the first Latino to do so.
bad bunny gif winning the VMA Artist of the Year Award 2022 
 There must be something in the aguas frescas being served at these shows because something loco always happens!
Way to make headlines, Conejito Benito! We're here for all he represents, including the major progress for the Latino and LGTBQIA community. From painting his nails, rapping about women in a non-misogynistic way, getting in full drag... he’s unapologetic about all of it! Never wanting to blend in and leading by example, Bad Bunny always joins the cause to normalize sexuality and gender in all its expressions. Can't wait to see what he does next.


Our Jefa (boss) on Marketing and Being CEO
Carolina, Parsons Entrepreneur Academy, and Poderistas present a Q & A with the CEO herself

Carolina Acosta (our founder) got together with Carly-Ann from Parsons Entrepreneur Academy to tell la verdad about being a boss, starting a company with only $500 dollars and working tirelessly to make her dreams come true. If you plan to open your own business soon, this is a must watch! It will teach you more about the people and marketing skills you need to have to push your brand forward.

Similarly, if you find yourself stuck and wanting to try something new or not knowing how to start, you should watch for inspiration! Life takes many turns, invest in what you love. Watch the interview here

 Buenas Noticias (Good News) In Space (Rocketship Emoji)

We're always on the hunt for uplifting stories from our gente, and this one is out of this world! 🥁 Un orgullo latino, Nathalie Quintero is a Venezuelan aerospace engineer working on Artemis - the latest NASA project with the mission of putting a woman on the moon!

Over the last 7 years, this Caracas native has been living out her childhood dream of working at NASA and encouraging all Latinas to pursue their goals without fearing where they come from. Brush up on your Spanish and check out the article El Universal wrote about her here!

The Artemis 1 will launch towards the moon this Saturday, Sept 3rd from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. You can check out the launch live on NASA's YouTube channel. 

netflix and chill header title

Blonde (2022) is Netflix's new, haunting and highly anticipated movie about Marilyn Monroe and we've been SO ready to watch it! Cuban actress Ana de Armas will be portraying the actress and the similarities are uncanny.

There's so much riding on this new biopic and we hope Marilyn receives a fair portrayal - though we've heard the movie has a lot of fictional drama as well. What's not fictional however is the fact that Marilyn was of Mexican descent on her mother's side and even understood and spoke a bit of español! Hollywood didn't favor Latines though at the time so this was a big secreto

Blonde premieres September 8 on Netflix. Check out the trailer here.


work with us and make money (flying dollar bills emoji)


 We've got big things planned! September marks the start of our new and improved Ambassador program and we want our truest fans to join. It will be a great chance to get your presence out there, flex your creativity and make dinero in a fun way! 

If this sounds like something you'd love to do, hit us via DM or send us a message on our website's chat so we can give you más info 🙌🏼.

 Send us pics of you playing and we'll show you off like proud abuelas! Look at this month's cuties 🤩

Tag us on IG so we can share esa cara linda ✨

@tragsogame instagram social media selfies

You read it all? 👀 GRACIAS! See you el próximo mes where we will recap Hispanic Heritage Month and its history, give shows/movie recommendations and more! 🙏

Hasta next time,
El Tragos Team

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